Taking Your Internship
Into the Future
- The Net's Premier Resume Writing and Editing Service
If you made the most of your internship, then you are ready to turn
your experience into a catalyst for your future career. Many firms
and organizations turn to their intern pools to recruit for entry-level
positions. You can capitalize on this trend, not only by doing an
outstanding job throughout your internship, but by following through
with the following steps after your internship is complete.
Keep in Touch: Shortly after you finish your internship,
send thank-you notes to your supervisor, mentors, and any colleagues
who went out of their way to enrich your experience. You might also
consider sending a note to one of the firm's executives or someone
in Human Resources who oversees the internship program. All of these
people might be valuable contacts in the future and all deserve
written thanks if you have enjoyed your internship and learned from
your experience.
Assess your Experience: While your internship experience
is fresh in your mind, reflect on what you learned about yourself
and the industry in which you worked. Evaluate the work environment
and corporate culture. What do your conclusions tell you about your
interest in the industry in which you worked or in the role in which
you played?
Update your Paperwork: For your resume, craft a suitable
paragraph that highlights your responsibilities and accomplishments
as an intern. You can use some of your reflections as generated
in the point above to steer you toward the duties that you most
want to emphasize to future employers. If you need help integrating
your new experience into your existing resume use printed and online
resources to unify your draft. Also, write your mentor or supervisor
and request a letter of recommendation. In your request, you should
include your updated resume as well as a cover sheet that illuminates
the kinds of assessments you have made about your experience. Give
your recommender as much material and insight as you can as to what
you hope he or she will write about. The more reflection and effort
you put into your request for a letter of recommendation, the better
your letter will be.
Pursue New Opportunities: Use your internship as a springboard
for your next career move. If the company you worked with is not
hiring at the moment or you want to pursue a related but not identical
internship opportunity, don't be afraid to ask your former colleagues
for helpful advice. You might be surprised at how willing they might
be to provide you with contacts either at competing firms or with
clients doing the kind of work you are interested in. Always follow
through with people who offer you their time, and remember that
if you prove lazy or inconsistent with follow-through that your
actions will reflect poorly upon the person who is helping you out.
Always act professionally and value the network of which you are
a part.